Three persons A, B and C are standing in queue. There are five persons between A and B and eight persons between B and C. If there ne three persons ahead of C and 21 persons behind A, what could be the minimum number of persons in the queue ?

C. 28

In the following number sequence, how many such even numbers are there which are exactly divisible by its immediate preceding number but not exactly divisible by its immediate following number ?
3  8  4  1  5  7  2  8  3  4  8  9  3  9  4  2  1  5  8  2


Sanjeev ranks seventh from the top and twenty eight from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class ?

D. 34

In a row of trees, one tree is fifth from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row ?

B. 9

In a queue, Amrita is 10th from the front while Mukul is 25th from behind and Mamta is just in the middle of the two. If there be 50 persons in the queue. What position does Mamta occupy from the front ?

C. 18TH