How many even numbers are there in the following sequence of numbers whiich are immediately followedby an odd number as well as immediately preceded by an even number ?
8  6  7  6  8  9  3  2  7  5  3  4  2  2  3  5  5  2  2  8  1  1  9


If Thursday was the day after the day before yesterday five days ago, what is the least number of days ago when Sunday was three days before the day after tomorrow ?


In a school, the following codes were used during physical exercise. '1' means 'start walking', '2' means 'keep standing', '3' means 'start running at the same spot', '4' means 'sit down'.
How many times will a student who performs the following sequence without error from the beginning to the end have to sit down ?
1  2  3  4  2  3  1  4  4  3  2  2  1  2  4  3  1  4  4  1  2

C. 4

If the numbers from 5 to 85 which are exactly divisible by 5 are arranged in descending order, which would come at the eleventh place from the bottom ?


If the 25th of August in a year in Thursday, the number of Mondays in that month is

C. 5