Aruna ranks twelfth in a class of forty-six. What will be her rank from the last?

C. 35

If the position of the first and the sixth digits of  the sequence of numbers 8  9  0  3 2  1  4  6  7  5 are interchanged, the second and the seventh and so on. which number would be seventh from the right end ?

How many 7's are there in the following sequence which are precedede by 9 and followed by 6 ?
7  8  9  7  6  5  3  4  2  8  9  7  2  4  5  9  2  9  7  6  4  7  

A. 2

In a row of girls, Rita and Monika occupy the ninth places from the right end and tenth place from the left end, respectively. If they interchange their places, Rita and Monika occupy seventeenth places from the right and eighteenth place from the left, respectively. How many girls are there in the row ?

B. 26

How many 7's are there in the following series which are not immediately followed by 3 but immediately preceded by 8 ?
8  9  8  7  6  2  2  6  3  2  6  9  7  3  2  8  7  2  7  7  8  7  3  7  7  9  4

C. 2