Fourteen machines can produce 500 units in 12 hours. After four hours poduction, two more machines were started. How many hours will it take to complete the production of 500 units ?

D. 7
Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics

If 40 men can build a wall 300 m long in 12 days working 6 hours a day, how long will it take 30 men to build a similar wall 200 m long working 8 hours a day ?

Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics

A certain number of men do a piece of work in 40 days. If there has been 45 men more, the work could have been finished in 25 days. The original number of men employed at the work were

A. 75
Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics

X and Y together complete a work in 8 hours. If X alone can complete it in 12 hours than Y alone can complete it in

Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics

Some machines complete the work in 4 days. But if 4 other machines are included in this work, then the job shall be completed in 2 days. If capacities of all machines are same, then in how many days 2 machines can complete this work ?

Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics