There are five men A, B, C, D and E and six women P, Q, R, S, T and U, A, B and R advocates;
C, D, P, Q and S are doctors and the rest are teachers. Some terms are to be selected from amongst these eleven persons subject to the following condition :
A, P and U have to be together.
B cannot go with D or R.
E and Q have to be together.
C and T have to be together.
D and P cannot go together.
C cannot go with Q. If the term  is to consist of one advocate, two doctors, three teachers and C may not go with T, the members of the team are :  

B. A E P Q T U

From amongst six days A, B, C, D, E, and F and five girls P, Q, R, S and T, a team of six is to be selected under the following coditions :
(i) A and D have to be together.
(ii) C cannot go with S.
(iii) S and T have to be together.
(iv) B cannot be teamed with E.
(v) D cannot go with P.
(vi) B and R have to be together.
(vii) C and Q have to be together. If including P, the team has three girls, the members are :

A. B C F Q R

Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are planning to enjoy car racing. There are only two cars and following are the conditions :
(i). One car can accommodate maximum five and minimum four students.
(ii). A will sit in the same car in which D is sitting but H is not in the same car.
(iii). B and C can't sit in the same car in which D is sitting.
(iv). F will sit in the car of four people only alongwith A and E but certainly not with G. If H and G are sitting in the same car, who are other two students sitting in the same car ?


There are five men A, B, C, D and E and six women P, Q, R, S, T and U, A, B and R advocates;
C, D, P, Q and S are doctors and the rest are teachers. Some terms are to be selected from amongst these eleven persons subject to the following condition :
A, P and U have to be together.
B cannot go with D or R.
E and Q have to be together.
C and T have to be together.
D and P cannot go together.
C cannot go with Q. If the term is to consists of one advocate, three docotors and one male teacher, the members of the team are :

C. D E Q R S

A team of five is to be selected from amongst five boys A, B, C, D and E and four girls P, Q, R and S. Some criteria for selecation are :
A and S have to be together.
P cannot be put with R.
D and Q cannot be together.
C and E have to be together.
R cannot be put with B.
Unless otherwise stated, these criteria are applicable to all the question below : If R be one of the members, the other members of the team are :

D. S A C E