From amongst five doctors A, B, C, D and E, four engineers G, H, K and L and six teachers M, N, O, P, Q and R, some teams are to be selected. Of these, A, B, G, H, O, P and Q are females and the rest are males.
The formation of teams is subject to the following conditions :
Wherever there is a male doctor, there will be no female teacher.
Wherever there is a male engineer, there will be no female doctor.
There shall not be more than two male teachers in any team. If the team consists of two doctors, female teachers and two engineers, all the following teams are possible except :

C. A B K L P Q

At an Electronic Data Processing Unit, five out of the eight program sets P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are  to be operated daily. On any one day, except for the first day of a month, only three of the program sets must be the ones that were operated on the previous day. The program operating must also satisfy the following conditions :
(i). If program P is to be operated on a day, V cannot be operated on that day.
(ii). If Q is to be operated on a day, T must be one of the programs to be operated after Q.
(iii). If R is to be operated on a day, V must be one of the programs to be operated after R.
(iv). The last program to be operated on any day must be either S or U. If the program sets R and W are to be operated on the first day, which of the following could be the other programs on that day ?

E. T, S, V

A team of five is to be selected from amongst five boys A, B, C, D and E and four girls P, Q, R and S. Some criteria for selecation are :
A and S have to be together.
P cannot be put with R.
D and Q cannot be together.
C and E have to be together.
R cannot be put with B.
Unless otherwise stated, these criteria are applicable to all the question below : If A and C are members, the other members of the team cannot be :

D. P Q E

Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are planning to enjoy car racing. There are only two cars and following are the conditions :
(i). One car can accommodate maximum five and minimum four students.
(ii). A will sit in the same car in which D is sitting but H is not in the same car.
(iii). B and C can't sit in the same car in which D is sitting.
(iv). F will sit in the car of four people only alongwith A and E but certainly not with G. Which of the following statements is superfluous for the above sitting arrangements ?


There are five men A, B, C, D and E and six women P, Q, R, S, T and U, A, B and R advocates;
C, D, P, Q and S are doctors and the rest are teachers. Some terms are to be selected from amongst these eleven persons subject to the following condition :
A, P and U have to be together.
B cannot go with D or R.
E and Q have to be together.
C and T have to be together.
D and P cannot go together.
C cannot go with Q. If the term  is to consist of one advocate, two doctors, three teachers and C may not go with T, the members of the team are :  

B. A E P Q T U