There are five friends A, B, C, D and E. Two of them are businessmen while the other three belong to different occupations viz. medical, engineer and legal. One businessman and the lawyer stay in the same locality S, while the other three stay in three different localities P, Q and R. Two of these five persons are Hindus while the remaining three come from three different communities viz. Muslim, Christian and Sikh. The lawyer is the oldest in age while one of the businessmen who runs a factory is the youngest. The other businessman is a cloth merchant and agewise lies between the doctor and the lawyer. D is a cloth merchant and stays in locality S while E is a Muslim and stays in locality R. The doctor is a Christian and stays in locality P, B is a Sikh while A is a Hindu and runs a factory. Who stays in locality ?

A. A

A, B, C, D and E are five towns out of which two are hill stations and the rest are in plain. Two towns, which are in plain, are harbours. Four towns out of five are capitals and two are industrial towns. Population of two towns is less than 5 lacs. It is 20 lacs of one town and more than 50lacs of two towns. Two towns are on the same latitudes and other two are on the same longitudes. Latitudes and longitudes of both harbours are different and out of these one is an industrial town. The population of both industrial towns is more than 50 lacs. The longitudes of one hill station and one of the industrial towns are same. The latitudes and longitudes of the other hill station and other harbour are different. One industrial town is neither a hill station nor a harbour. None of the hill stations is an industrial town. The hill station of which longitudes of A and E are same. E is a harbour. The latitudes of D and C are same and the population of D is 20 lacs. Both the harbours are capitals and one of them is an industrial town. Which of the following towns is not a capital ?

E. B