Of the six men of literature A, B C. D. E and F being considered here, two belonged to the 17th century, three to the 19th and one to the 20th century. Four were recognised as great poets, three as great novelists and three as great dramatists. One contributed to Bengali literature, two to Hindi, two to Marathi and one to Tamil. The 20th century writer wrote poetry only and contributed to Marathi literature and the other Marathi writer contributed to poetry, novel and drama. One Hindi writer and the only Tamil writer belonged to the 19th century. The former contributed to poetry and novel while the latter to novel and drama. The Bengali writer belonged to the 17th century and contributed to poetry only. A belonged to the 20th century. B wrote drama only, C contributed to Marathi literature, D was a Hindi poet and novelist and belonged to the 19th century. E also belonged to the 19th century, and F contributed to poetry only. Among these, who was the Tamil writer ?

C. E

Of the five boys A, B, C, D and E two are good, one is poor and two are average is studies. Two of them study in post-graduate classes and there in under-graduate classes. One comes from a rich family, two from middle-class families and two from poor families. One of them is interested in music, two in acting and one in sports. Of those studying in under-graduate classes, two are average and one is poor in studies. Of the two boys interested in acting, one is a post-graduate student. The one interested in music comes from a middle-class family. Both the boys interested in acting are not industrious. The two boys coming from middle-class families are average in studies and one of them is interested in acting. The boy interested in sports comes from a poor family, while the one interested in music is industrious. E is industrious, good in studies, comes from a poor family and is not interested in acting, music or sports. C is poor in studies inspite of being industrious. A comes from a rich family and is not industrious but good in studies. B is industrious and comes from a middle-class family. Name the boys studying in post-graduate classes.

B. A, E

A, B, C, D and E are five towns out of which two are hill stations and the rest are in plain. Two towns, which are in plain, are harbours. Four towns out of five are capitals and two are industrial towns. Population of two towns is less than 5 lacs. It is 20 lacs of one town and more than 50lacs of two towns. Two towns are on the same latitudes and other two are on the same longitudes. Latitudes and longitudes of both harbours are different and out of these one is an industrial town. The population of both industrial towns is more than 50 lacs. The longitudes of one hill station and one of the industrial towns are same. The latitudes and longitudes of the other hill station and other harbour are different. One industrial town is neither a hill station nor a harbour. None of the hill stations is an industrial town. The hill station of which longitudes of A and E are same. E is a harbour. The latitudes of D and C are same and the population of D is 20 lacs. Both the harbours are capitals and one of them is an industrial town. Which of the following towns have population more than 50 lacs ?


(i). There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
(ii). One of them is a horticulturist, one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and one is an advocated.
(iii). Three of them – A, C and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them – B and the journalist prefer coffee to tea.
(iv). The industrialist and D and A are friend to one another but two of these prefer coffee to tea.
(v). The horticulturist is C`s brother. Which of the following groups includes a persons who likes tea but is not an advocate ?


There are five friends A, B, C, D and E. Two of them are businessmen while the other three belong to different occupations viz. medical, engineer and legal. One businessman and the lawyer stay in the same locality S, while the other three stay in three different localities P, Q and R. Two of these five persons are Hindus while the remaining three come from three different communities viz. Muslim, Christian and Sikh. The lawyer is the oldest in age while one of the businessmen who runs a factory is the youngest. The other businessman is a cloth merchant and agewise lies between the doctor and the lawyer. D is a cloth merchant and stays in locality S while E is a Muslim and stays in locality R. The doctor is a Christian and stays in locality P, B is a Sikh while A is a Hindu and runs a factory. Agewise who among the following lies between A and C ?