If (i) P is taller than Q ; (ii) R is shorter tan P; (iii) S is taller than T but shorter than Q, Then who among them is the tallest ?

A. P

(i). A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii). C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii). B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv). G is between E and F.
(v). D is sitting third from the south end. Which of the following pairs of people are sitting at the extreme ends?


In a March Past, seven persons are standing in a row. Q is standing left to R but right to P. O is standing right to N and left to P. Similarly, S is standing right to R and left to T. Find out who is standing in the middle.

B. Q

(i).   P, Q, R, S, T and U are travelling in a bus.
(ii).  There are two reporters, two technicians, one photographer and one writer in the group.
(iii). The photographer P is married to S who is a reporter.
(iv). The writer is married to Q who is of the same profession as that of U.
(v).  P, R, Q, S are two married couples and nobody in the group has same profession.
(vi). U is brother of R. Which of the following is a pair of reporters ?


(i).  P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there arfe two married couples.
(ii).  T, a teacher is married to the doctor who is mother of R and U.
(iii). Q, the laywer is married to P.
(iv). P has one son and one grandson.
  Of the two married ladies one is a housewife.
(vi). There is also one student and one male engineer in the family. How is R related to U ?