(i) P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a group of which three are males and three are females.
(ii) There are two engineers, two lawyers, one teacher and one doctor in the group.
(iii) Q, T, P and R are two married couples and no person in this group has the same profession.
(iv) T, a teacher with blue dress, married a male lawyer with brown dress.
(v) Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and that of both the wives is the same.
(vi) Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the remaining one each has black and green.
(vii) P is a male engineer whose sister S is also an engineer.
(viii) P is a male engineer whose sister S is also on engineer.
(ix) Q is a doctor. What is the colour of U's dress ?


(i). There is a family of six members A, B, C, D, E and F.
(ii). There are two married couples in the family and the family members represent three generations.
(iii). Each member has a distinct choice of a colour amongst green, yellow, balck, red, white and pink.
(iv). No lady member likes either green or white.
(v). C, who likes black colour is the daughter-in-law of E.
(vi). B is brother of F and son of D and likes pink.
(vii). A is grandmother of F and F does not like red.
(viii). The husband has a choice of green colour, his wife likes yellow. How many male members are there in the family ?


There are six persons A, B, C, D, E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D's optional subject was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics as one of their subjects. F's compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A's subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D's. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. Disregarding which is the compulsory and which is the optional subject, who has the same two subject combination as F ?

C. E

There are five friends --- Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Anuj and Rohan.
Sachin is shorter than Kunal but taller than Rohan.
Mohit is the tallest.
Anuj is a little shorter than Kunal and little taller than Sachin. If they stand in the order of their heights, who will be in the middle ?


Seven friends Kamal, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Gaurav, Pritam and Priya are sitting in a circle. Kamal, Manish, Rohit, AMit, Pritam and Priya are sitting at equal distances from each other.
Rohit is sitting two places right of Pritam, who is sitting one place right of Amit. Kamal forms an angle of 90 degrees from Gaurav and an angle of 120 degrees from Manish. Manish is just opposite Priya and is sitting on the left of Gaurav. Who is the only person sitting between Rohit and Manish ?