If room is called bed, bed is called window, window is called flower and flower is called cooler, on what would a man sleep ?


If MACHINE is coded as 19-7-9-14-15-20-11, how will you code DANGER ?

A. 10-7-20-13-11-24

In a certain code, 15789 is written as AXBTC, 2346 is written as MPDU. How is 23549 written in that code ?


In a certain code language,
(A) 'mxy das zci' means 'good little frock';
(B) 'jmx cos zci' means 'girl behaves good';
(C) 'nvg drs cos' means 'girl makes mischief';
(D) 'das ajp cos' means 'little girl fell'. Which of the given statements is superfluous ?

C. C

If eraser is called box, box is called pencil, pencil is called sharpener and sharpener is called bag, what will a child write with ?