If in a certain language, NATURE is coded as MASUQE, how is FAMINE coded in that code ?


In a certain code language,
(A) ‘pit na som’ means ‘bring me water’
(B) ‘na ja tod’ means ‘water is life’
(C) ‘tub od pit’ means 'give me toy’
(D) ‘jo lin kot’ means ‘life and death’
To find out the answer to the above questions, which of the following statements can be dispensed with ?


If pen is table, table is fan, fan is chair and chair is roof, on which of the following will a person sit ?


If MISTAKE is coded as 9765412 and NAKED is coded as 84123, How are the following words coded ? STAIN

D. 65478

If in a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the correct code for below word. TENANT

D. 312723