Complete analogous pair - Sepia : Cuttle Fish : : Merino : ?


PALE : LEAP : : POSH : ?

Posted in:  Alphabet Analogy -  Analogy -  Verbal Reasoning

Complete analogous pair - Jama Masjid : Delhi : : Red Square : ?


If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the first, the third, the seventh and the ninth letters of the word SEPARATION, which of the following will be the third letter of that word ?
If no such word can be made, give X as the answer and if more than one such word can be made, give M as the answer.

E. M

If the numbers from 1 to 45 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged in ascending order, minimum number being on the top, which would come at the ninth place from the top ?

D. 27