A blacksmith has five iron articles A, B, C, D and E, each having a different weight.
(i)  A weights twice as much as B.
(ii)  B weights four and a half times as much as C.
(iii)  C weights half as much as D.
(iv)  D weights half as much as E.
(v)  E weights less than A but more than C. Which of the following articles is the heaviest in weight ?

A. A

Choose or find odd number - 751, 734, 981, 853, 532

A. 751

If finger is called toe, toe is called foot, foot is called thumb, thumb is called ankle, ankle is called palm and palm is called knee, which one finger has a different name ?


Choose or find odd word - Leone , Dirham , Baht , Lempire , Cortes


Choose or find odd number pair - (3 - 12) , (4 - 20) , (6 - 42) , (7 63)

D. 7 - 63