In following number series, two terms have been put within brackets. Choose the appropriate option - 4,8,16,13,7,14, ? , ?

B. 9, 18

In following question, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will same pattern and fill in the blank spaces. - 225, 336, 447, , 669, 7710

C. 558

In following questions, one term in number series is incorrect. - Find out the incorrect number 89, 78, 86, 80, 85, 82, 83

C. 86

In following alphabet series , one term missing as shown by question mark . Choose missing term from options. - DF, GJ, KM, NQ, RT, ?


In following questions, three sequence of alphabets/numerals are provided which correspond to each other in some way. Find out alphabets/numerals that come in the blank places.Choose the correct option - A _ B A C _ D _ B C D C _ 3 _ 2 _ 1 _ 4 ? ? ? ? d c _ _ b a c b _ _ _ _

B. 1, 4, 3, 4