Five persons A, B, C, D and E are sitting in a row facing you such that D is on the left of C and B is on the right of E. A is on the right of C and B is on the left of D. If E occupies a corner position, then who is sitting in the centre ?

D. D

(i). A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii). C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii). B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv). G is between E and F.
(v). D is sitting third from the south end. Who is sitting to the right of E ?


Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in two rows, three in each.
E is not at the end of any row.
D is second to the left of F.
C, the neighbour of E, is sitting diagonally opposite D.
B is the neighbour of F. Which of the following are in the same row ?


Seven friends Kamal, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Gaurav, Pritam and Priya are sitting in a circle. Kamal, Manish, Rohit, AMit, Pritam and Priya are sitting at equal distances from each other.
Rohit is sitting two places right of Pritam, who is sitting one place right of Amit. Kamal forms an angle of 90 degrees from Gaurav and an angle of 120 degrees from Manish. Manish is just opposite Priya and is sitting on the left of Gaurav. The angle between Gaurav and Manish in the clockwise direction is 


A gorup of eight members sit in a circle. D is between A and F and is opposite to G. E is to the right of A but on the left of C, whose right hand neighbour is G. B enjoys having H to his left and F to his right. Find the member, who is diagonally opposite to A.

D. H