(i). A, B, C, D and E are five friends.
(ii). B is elder to E, but not as tall as C.
(iii). C is younger to A, and is taller to D and E.
(iv). A is taller to D, but younger to E.
(v). D is elder to A but is shortest in the group. Which of the following pairs of students is elder to D ?


There are five friends --- Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Anuj and Rohan.
Sachin is shorter than Kunal but taller than Rohan.
Mohit is the tallest.
Anuj is a little shorter than Kunal and little taller than Sachin. Who is taller than Anuj but shorter than Mohit ?


A blacksmith has five iron articles A, B, C, D and E, each having a different weight.
(i)  A weights twice as much as B.
(ii)  B weights four and a half times as much as C.
(iii)  C weights half as much as D.
(iv)  D weights half as much as E.
(v)  E weights less than A but more than C. E is heavier than which of the following two articles ?

B. D, C

(i). A, B, C, D and E are five friends.
(ii). B is elder to E, but not as tall as C.
(iii). C is younger to A, and is taller to D and E.
(iv). A is taller to D, but younger to E.
(v). D is elder to A but is shortest in the group. Who among the following is the eldest ?


(i). Six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U are members of a club and play a different game of Football, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton and Volleyball.
(ii). T who is taller than P and S plays Tennis.
(iii). The tallest among them plays Basketball.
(iv). The shorter among them play Volleyball.
(v). Q and S neither play Vollyball nor Basketball.
(vi). R plays Volleyball.
(vii). T is between Q who plays Football and P in order of height. Which of the following statements is not true ?