Among five boys, Vineet is taller than Manick, but not as tall as Ravi. Jacob is taller than Dilip but shorter than Manick. Who is the tallest in their group ?


(i). A, B, C, D, E and F are six students in a class.
(ii). B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.
(iii). D is heavier than B and taller than C.
(iv). E is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v). F is heavier than D.
(vi). A is shorter than E but taller than F. Which of the following groups of friends is shorter than A ?


A * B means A and B are of the same age;
A - B means B is younger than A;
A + B means A is younger than B; X + Y + Z is same aste

B. Z - Y - X

Ashish is heavier than Govind. Mohit is lighter than Jack. Pawan is heavier than Jack but lighter than Govind.
Who among them is the heaviest ? 


(i). Seven students P, Q, R, S,  T, U and V take a series of tests.
(ii). No two students get similar marks.
(iii). V always scores more than P.
(iv). P always scores more than Q.
(v). Each time either R socres the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least. If R gets most, V should be ranked not lower than :