(i). A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii). C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii). B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv). G is between E and F.
(v). D is sitting third from the south end. Who is sitting to the right of E ?


(i). There are six friends A, B, C, D, E and F.
(ii). Each one is proficient in one of the games, namely Badminton, Volleyball, Cricket, Hockey, Tennis and Polo.
(iii). Each owns a different coloured car, namely yellow, green, black, white, blue and red.
(iv). D plays Polo and owns a yellow coloured car.
(v). C does not play either Tennis or Hockey and owns neither blue nor yellow coloured car.
(vi). E owns a white car and plays Badminton.
(vii). B does not play Tennis, he owns a red coloured car.
(viii). A plays Cricket and owns a black car. Who plays Volleyball ?

B. C

(i). A, B, C, D, E and F are six students in a class.
(ii). B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.
(iii). D is heavier than B and taller than C.
(iv). E is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v). F is heavier than D.
(vi). A is shorter than E but taller than F. Who is third from the top when they are arranged in descending order of height ?

A. A

There are five friends A, B, C, D and E. Two of them are businessmen while the other three belong to different occupations viz. medical, engineer and legal. One businessman and the lawyer stay in the same locality S, while the other three stay in three different localities P, Q and R. Two of these five persons are Hindus while the remaining three come from three different communities viz. Muslim, Christian and Sikh. The lawyer is the oldest in age while one of the businessmen who runs a factory is the youngest. The other businessman is a cloth merchant and agewise lies between the doctor and the lawyer. D is a cloth merchant and stays in locality S while E is a Muslim and stays in locality R. The doctor is a Christian and stays in locality P, B is a Sikh while A is a Hindu and runs a factory. Agewise who among the following lies between A and C ?


Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in two rows, three in each.
E is not at the end of any row.
D is second to the left of F.
C, the neighbour of E, is sitting diagonally opposite D.
B is the neighbour of F. Which of the following are in the same row ?