(i) P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a group of which three are males and three are females.
(ii) There are two engineers, two lawyers, one teacher and one doctor in the group.
(iii) Q, T, P and R are two married couples and no person in this group has the same profession.
(iv) T, a teacher with blue dress, married a male lawyer with brown dress.
(v) Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and that of both the wives is the same.
(vi) Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the remaining one each has black and green.
(vii) P is a male engineer whose sister S is also an engineer.
(viii) P is a male engineer whose sister S is also on engineer.
(ix) Q is a doctor. Which of the folowing is a group of female members ?


A training college has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of seven different subjects -- Mechanics, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, Science and Engineering from 22nd July to 29th July.
  1. Course should start with Psychology.
  2. 23rd July, being Sunday, should be holiday.
  3. Science subject should be on the previous day of the Engineering subjects.
  4. Course should end with Mechanics subject.
  5. Philosopy should be immediately after the holiday.
  6. There should be a gap of one day between Economics and Engineering.
Which subject is followed by Science ?


Six plays -- A, B, C, D, E and F are to be staged, one on each day from Monday to Saturday. The schedule of the plays is to be in accordance with the following :
(i) A must be staged a day before E.
(ii) C must not be staged on Tuesday.
(iii) B must be staged on the day following the day on which F is staged.
(iv) D must be staged on Friday only and should not be immediately preceded by B.
(v) E must not be staged on the last day of the schedule. Which of the following is the schedule of plays, with the order of their staging from Monday ?


Five men A, B, C, D and E read a newspaper.
The one who reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken from A. E was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between B and A. Who read the newspaper last ?

D. D

(i) There is a group of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F from a family. They are Psychologist, Manager, Lawyer, Jeweller, Doctor and Engineer.
(ii) The doctor is the grandfather of F who is a Psychologist.
(iii) The manager D is married to A.
(iv) C, the Jeweller is married to the Lawyer.
(v) B is the mother of F and E.
(vi) There are two married couples in the family. What is the profession of E ?