In a certain code language,
(A) ‘pit dar na’ means ‘you are good’
(B) ‘dar tok pa’ means ‘good and bad’
(C) ‘tim na tok’ means 'they are bad’
In that language, which word stands for 'they' ?
In a certain language, 'Mink Yang Pe' means 'Fruits are ripe';
'Pe Lao May Mink' means 'Oranges are not ripe' and
'May Pe Nue Mink' means 'Mangoes are not ripe'.
Which word in that language means 'Mangoes' ?
In a certain language, 'pre nat bis' means 'smoking is harmful';
'vog dor nat' means 'avoid harmful habit' and
'dor bis yel' means 'please avoid smoking'.
Which of the following means 'habit' in that language ?