Lakshmi and Meena's are Rohan's wives. Shalini is Meena's step-daughter.
How is Lakshmi related to Shalini ?


If A + B means A is the sister of B;
A - B means A is the brother of B;
A x B means A is the daughter of B,
Which of the following shows the relation that E is the maternal uncle of D ?

C. D X F + E

P is the brother of Q and R. S is R's mother. T is P's father.
Which of the following statements cannot be definitely true ?


A family consists of six members P, Q, R, S, T and U. There are two married couples. Q is a doctor and the father of T. U is grandfather of R and is a contractor. S is grandmother of T and is a housewife. There is one doctor, one contractor, one nurse, one housewife and two students in the family. Who is the husband of P ?

C. Q

Pointng out to a lady, a girl said, "She is the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my father's only son."
How is the lady related to  the girl ?