Arrange the given words Alphabetical Order and choose the one that comes first.


Arrange the given words in Alphabetical Order and tick the once that comes middle.


Arrange the given words in Alphabetical Order and tick the once that comes at the second place.


In the following question, arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence.
1. Dissipate 2. Dissuade 3. Disseminate 4. Distract 5. Dissociate 6. Dissect

A. 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

In the following question, arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence.
1. Select 2. Seldom 3. Send 4. Selfish 5. Seller

C. 2, 1, 4, 5, 3