Complete analogous pair - Hourse : Jockey : : Car : ?


Choose analogous pair - Necessity : Invention


In following questions, one term in number series is incorrect. - Find out the incorrect number 1, 5, 9, 16, 25, 37, 49

B. 15

There are five friends --- Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Anuj and Rohan.
Sachin is shorter than Kunal but taller than Rohan.
Mohit is the tallest.
Anuj is a little shorter than Kunal and little taller than Sachin. Who is the second tallest ?


From amongst six days A, B, C, D, E, and F and five girls P, Q, R, S and T, a team of six is to be selected under the following coditions :
(i) A and D have to be together.
(ii) C cannot go with S.
(iii) S and T have to be together.
(iv) B cannot be teamed with E.
(v) D cannot go with P.
(vi) B and R have to be together.
(vii) C and Q have to be together. If four members have to be girls, the members of the team are :

B. B F P R S T