Three men A, B, C together completed a work, A worked for 5 days, B for 7 days and C for 9 days. The ratio of their daily wages is 4 : 3 : 2, and their total income is Rs. 1,180. The total income of B and C for one day is

Answer: A. Rs. 100

Suppose A, B, C's one days's wages are respectively Rs. 4x, Rs. 3x, Rs. 2x. By hypothesis,
5 x $4x$ x 7 x $3x$ + 9 x $2x$ = 1180
or $20x + 21x + 18x$ = 1180
or $59x$ = 1180.
So, x = 20
Hence, B and C's combined one day's wages
= Rs. (3x + 2x) = Rs. 5x.
= Rs. (5 x 20) = Rs. 100. 

Posted in:  Time & Work -  Aptitude -  Mathematics