There are six children playing football namely A, B, C, D, E and F.
A and E are brothers. F is the sister of E. C is the only son of A's uncle.
B and D are the daughters of the brother of C's father
How many male players are there ?


Detect analogy - Couplet : Sonnet : Limerick

Posted in:  Detect Analogies -  Analogy -  Verbal Reasoning

Pointing to the lady on the platform, Manju said, "She is the sister of the father of my mother's son."
Who is the lady to Manju ?


Seven executives P, Q, R, S, T, U andW reach office in a particular sequence.
U reaches immediately before P but does not immediately follow S. R is the last one to reach office. T follows immediately after P and is subsequently followed by W. Among the executives, who reaches the office first ? 

B. S

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word - PROFANE

Posted in:  Antonyms -  Vocabulary -  English